The Whopper

Rebecca Ashdown Templar Publishing, 2014

This humorous, quirky story is about a little boy who tells a lie, only to be followed around by his guilt in the form of the Whopper, a hungry and persistent monster. As Percy's guilt grows, so does the Whopper, until finally the Whopper EATS Percy! Percy at last realizes that he must tell the truth in order to keep the Whopper from growing any bigger. An appealing and warm hearted story about how a little lie can quickly grow out of control.

The most surprising plot twist comes in Rebecca Ashdown’s The Whopper, when a boy’s lie manifests as a fuzzy blue monster that grows and grows until it gobbles him right up. Grownups will recognise the metaphor for all-consuming guilt, while little ones will just be entertained. Ashdown’s loose and charming illustrations soften the horror of the walking lie monster, and the story offers an opportunity for instructive conversation without being too didactic.
— Washington Independent Review of Books
It’s not easy to make the moral case for always telling the truth without sounding preachy, but this monster book does it by simply sticking to the story and keeping it fun.
— KIRKUS review
This is a brilliantly original and entertaining story, where the monster is the sort of monster we love to see in stories. He’s not cuddly, he’s pretty much a revoltingly impolite monster who thinks nothing of scoffing little children (though he does so with a huge soppy whopper of a grin on his face). A very important moral lesson delivered with aplomb, we have a feeling this book is going to be a whopper itself!!
— Read It Daddy!